mundane experiences on the spiritual path ...

Digital art titled: The hand of God


  “Another smash and grab has occurred at White Shaft diamond store in Kinship, Connecticut. Its other branch in Richfield, Connecticut, had already been robbed,” says news analyst Dianne Boyer, reading from the teleprompter....


  “Formless TitleEmpty paperRelative PenFundamental Ink”                     Drémonk   “To be or not to be.” Trying to figure out what in hell does that mean?...

Beef Soba Noodles with Green Beans

Beef Soba Noodles with Green Beans

I enjoy cooking different cultural cuisines, especially for family and friends. I admit, when I’m preparing a new dish, I cook it for myself first. I suspect you already know why. The fear of...

person taking photo of raccoon on smartphone in nature

Inside Outside

      In a world of illusions I found myself under the delusion of my own imagination. Thinking it will come to reality. Self-made suffering is always the result when my baseless imagination...