Tagged: Spiritual

Two swans

Spiritual Dating In Search Of A Soul Connection

Spiritual minded people may seek romantic relationships that align with their spiritual beliefs, values, and practices. It’s not just about finding a partner who shares the same religious faith, but rather someone who resonates...

Foods on kitchen counter top with reaching hand

Hands off Ego!

Why can’t we wait to bless the food? I can think of a few good reasons, like: it smells delicious and my stomach is growling! Well, this is from my hungry camper point of...


  “Formless TitleEmpty paperRelative PenFundamental Ink”                     Drémonk   “To be or not to be.” Trying to figure out what in hell does that mean?...

person taking photo of raccoon on smartphone in nature

Inside Outside

      In a world of illusions I found myself under the delusion of my own imagination. Thinking it will come to reality. Self-made suffering is always the result when my baseless imagination...